Advent youth lessons
Advent youth lessons

advent youth lessons

Place a small snack such as fruit snacks in front of each child but tell them they cannot eat it yet. End your time by doing this waiting activity. The people had to wait for Jesus to come. A son will be given to us.” Explain that this was a promise given a very long time ago. Read Isaiah 9:6a (NIrV) to them, “A child will be born to us. Make sure they know that we celebrate this time of year to remember when God sent Jesus as a baby. Then turn the conversation to waiting to celebrate Christmas. Talk to them about these everyday things they must wait for. They have to wait on mom to change their diaper or dad to get them a snack, or their teacher to take a turn to play with them. Kids are familiar with waiting, even when they are one or two. In toddler terms, it’s waiting for something special to happen. Advent means waiting for the arrival (or coming) of a notable person, thing, or event. If you’re going to do Advent, you need to teach kids what it is and what it means! Toddlers are developing and learning at an amazing rate, so it’s possible to help them get excited about Christmas in this way. Each idea is centered around a Scripture and reinforced with a fun activity. Here are 12 simple Advent ideas to use in your early childhood ministry or to share with families of littles. It’s all about preparing oneself for the Christmas celebration, just as the Jewish people prepared and waited for their coming Savior. From long ago, the tradition and practice of this waiting have been called Advent. And most of all, there’s waiting- waiting for the day when Christmas is celebrated.

Advent youth lessons